MEET LILY 7 lbs. 9 oz.

MEET LEAH 6 lbs. 9 oz.
The babies have arrived! We are all absolutely thrilled! Everyone is doing well - for the most part. Tonia's still recovering, but we hope the next few days will bring a relief in pain for her. The girls are beautiful! Lily appears to be fairer and Leah has dark brown hair, eyebrows, and side burns =). The Rauchs may have a dark haired baby yet =). What an amazing day and what a reminder of the grace of God! The miracle of birth always takes my breath away! Priceless, Precious, Perfect. . .
I'm sure I'll have more to share tomorrow when big sister, Kaylee, and all the cousins get to visit. Bless Kelli's heart - she was in tears because she didn't get to visit the hospital this evening. By the time I got home Scott had all the kids (Kaylee included) fast asleep. They'll be so excited to see the pictures in the morning and to be able to go for a visit after school tomorrow. . . . more to come. . .
Congratulations!!! What beautiful BIG babies. She must have carried them full-term...that's awesome! Can't wait to see more pictures.
Yeah! You have a blog! It IS so much fun to capture the memories this way, you will love it. And it is nice that the family can see more of you! The twins a beautiful! Congrats Auntie! Can't wait to see them!
Congratulations!!! Yes, what an amazing miracle this is! I am so happy you have a blog. I always wonder what is going on with your family and now I can see! :) Send our love to the family and let them know we are thinking of them! Love you.
I will add you to my links!
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